These bulbs are easy peasy. They are called 'naturalising' because once planted they can be left in the ground year after year and with only the occasional dose of fertiliser they will reward you with abundant flowers. Simply plant and enjoy!
Allium 'Purple Rain'
Highly rated.
Anemone De Caen Mixed
Fantastic value for money.
Ixia Mixed
Versatile and resilient.
Bluebells Mixed
Virtually foolproof.
Allium 'Drumsticks'
Popular late season blooms.
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.
Sparaxis Mixed
Easy colour.
Tritonia 'Sugar and Spice'
All things nice.
Star of Bethlehem
Sublime stars.
Bluebell Blue
Good multipliers.
Grape Hyacinth Blue
Economical and abundant.
Black Pearl Lily
A strong season closer.
Spring Star Flowers Mixed
Absolute stars.
Tritonia 'Cream'
New in 2025.
Anemone De Caen 'White Bicolour'
A real eye catcher.
Belladonna Lily 'Pink'
So good and so easy.
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.
Spring Star Flower 'Mauve'
Quick and easy.
Anemone De Caen 'White'
Simply beautiful.
Grape Hyacinth 'Fantasy Creation'
Fantastical flowers.
Chincherinchee Elite
Lovely and tall.
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.
Spring Star Flower 'Star Bright'
Prolific and practical.
Anemone De Caen 'Pink'
Bargain blooms.
Anemone De Caen 'Blue'
Serene bloomers.
Anemone De Caen 'Red'
Luminous flowers.
Spring Star Flower 'Froyle Mill'
Fast and furious.
This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.