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Well done! You have finished fundraising for your cause. Now all you need to do is complete this form and await the spring bulbs in your letterbox for distribution.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us, there are no silly questions.

(Complete you postal and contact details in the next step after you enter your order details below.)

Order Details

Product Code Product Description Bag Size Price # Bags Total
Postage and handling fee $7.5
TOTAL $0.00
Number of Bulb Care Instruction booklets:


Total all the orders on your Catalogue order form. Then type in the product code and add the total number of orders then press the Enter key. For example if you sold four Hyacinth Vases enter the code HYHVS, press the Enter key then type 4 in the Quantity space and press the Enter key.

Nominate the number of “Bulb Care Instruction” booklets you require – one per customer you sold to is recommended.

At the completion of your order you will be prompted for payment. Once complete we will post the bulbs to you.

Don’t forget to hang onto your order sheet so you know who to distribute your bulbs to.

Great work, you just raised valuable funds for your organisation and will have a colourful spring!

The Tesselaar family wish you all the best with your fundraising efforts. We will do all we can to help and are happy to answer any queries you have along the way. You can ring us on 03 9737 7777 or email us